Herbert Dordick
Born in 1925, Herbert S. Dordick (hdordick@weber.ucsd.edu)
is an electrical engineer with degrees from Swarthmore College and the University of
Pennsylvania. He has spent half of his career working in industry and the other half
teaching in universities.
He was on the faculty of the Annenberg School of communications at the University of
Southern California, and is recently retired from Temple University. He is currently a
Visiting Professor at the University of California, San Diego.
Prior to joining academia he was in industry and among other positions was Chief
Engineer of a division of the Burroughs Corporation. He was a researcher and project
leader at the Rand Corporation and was the first Director of the Office of
Telecommunications in NYC. His ten years at Rand gave him an interest in the social
He holds courses in the Department of Communications, as well as Engineering. He plans
to continue to explore means of communication and the impact of communications on the
individual in society. He is interested in the growing use of communications for social
purposes, as well as the importance of communications in business and industry.
He is the author and co-author of numerous articles and ten books dealing with
telecommunications technology and policy. |


Among his publications:
- The information society : a retrospective view, (with Georgette Wang), 1993,. Newberry
Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.
- Toward a Universal Definition of Universal Service," Institute for Information
Studies, Universal Telephone Service: Ready for the Twenty-First Century, 1991, p. 115.
- The Emerging network marketplace (ed.) (with Helen G. Bradley, Burt Nanus), 1981,
Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Pub. Corp.
- Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. (6th: 1978: Airlie House) Proceedings of
the sixth annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, (ed.), 1979, Lexington,
Mass.: Lexington Books.
- Access by local political candidates to cable television; a report of an experiment,
(with Jack Lyle), 1971, Santa Monica, Calif., Rand, 1971.
- Telecommunications in urban development [by] H. S. Dordick [and others], 1969, Santa
Monica, Calif., Rand Corp.
- Adult education goals for Los Angeles: a working paper for the Los Angeles goals
program, 1968, Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand.
- The new communication technology and for what?, 1968, Santa Monica, Rand Corporation.
- Planning educational change for the primary schools of Colombia; Santa Monica, Calif.:
Rand Corp., 1968.
- Communications goals for Los Angeles (a working paper for the Los Angeles Goals
Program), (with L. G. Chesler), 1968, Santa Monica, Rand Corporation.