Tullio De Mauro
Tullio De Mauro was born in Annunziata, Naples in 1932, and is one of the leading
Italian experts on linguistics. In 1963 the monumental "Storia linguistica
dell'Italia unita" (Linguistic history of united Italy) was published. Two years
later De Mauro came to public attention with "L'introduzione alla semantica"
published by Laterza. In 1971 his work on "Senso e significato" was published.
After preparing the entries on semiotics of the Treccani encyclopedia and publishing the
influential short volume "Minisemantica" (Laterza, 1982), De Mauro turned to the
problem of linguistic education. He was in charge of a series of introductory texts for
Editori Riuniti, including his "Guida all'uso delle parole" (1987), some of
which became bestsellers. As a "militant scholar" he is very concerned with
problems of schooling, and for many years was editor of the journal "Riforma della
scuola". With some of his students he prepared "Due parole", a publication
directed at the elderly, the mentally handicapped and adults on literacy courses. De Mauro
teaches the Philosophy of Language and is director of the Department of Linguistic Science
at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". |

