Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Claudio Demattè

Claudio Demattè



Claudio Demattè was born in Trento in 1942. Professor of Economics at the Intermediari Finanziari (Mercati finanziari internazionali) of the Bocconi University of Milan and member of the scientific committee of journals such as "Banca ed Economia" and "The Strategic Management Journal", he is also a director of numerous companies.

In 1993 he was elected president of the Board of Directors of RAI, the Italian state broadcaster. His previous experience of television was as presenter of "Piazza affari", a programme on Telemontecarlo explaining the mechanisms of the economy. His nomination as President of RAI began the era known as "the era of the professors", a brief and, therefore, not very successful attempt to overcome the logic of "lottizzazione" whereby positions in the state broadcaster were shared out among the various political parties. For Demattè information was comparable to money and RAI "similar to the Banca d'Italia in that it must assume the principal characteristics of autonomous decision-making, a proper relationship with the political powers, and full responsibility towards the citizens which use the service". After only a year in office, the new political situation which arose following the elections in the spring of 1994 brought about the resignation of the Board of Directors and Demattè returned to his university teaching post.

Director General of the Scuola di Direzione Aziendale (SDA) of the Bocconi University of Milan from 1971 to 1990, he is currently president of the SDA and editor of "Economia & Management".

Among his areas of interest are the credit markets, industrial strategies, internationalisation strategies, company finance and the economy of financial intermediaries.

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Among his publications:

  • La valutazione delle capacità di credito nelle analisi di fido, Vallardi, Milan.
  • I mercati finanziari internazionali (with P. De Sury) (ed.), Egea, Milan, 1992
  • Economia degli Intermediari Finanziari (with G.Forestieri, P.Mottura) (ed.), Egea, Milan, 1993
  • Il finanziamento della nuova economia in "Economia & Management", no.3, May 1996
  • Líinnovazione come arma competitiva, in "Economia & Management", no.3, July 1996
  • Il momento per cambiare è arrivato anche per le banche, in "Economia & Management", n.1, gennaio 1997
  • Teoria del valore: serve davvero per guidare meglio le imprese?, in "Economia & Management", n.2, marzo 1997
  • L'occupazione possibile: lo spazio díazione manageriale e imprenditoriale, in "Economia & Management", n.4, luglio 1997
  • Internet e la nuova traiettoria di sviluppo della comunicazione, in "Economia & Management", n.5, settembre 1997
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