Mario Costa


Born in Torre del Greco in 1936, Mario Costa is a lecturer in aesthetics at the
Philosophy faculty of the University of Salerno, and of critical methodology at the
University of Naples.
In 1983 he founded the international research movement on "the aesthetics of
communication"; he is also the creator and director of "Artmedia", a
permanent seminar on aesthetics, the media and communication held at the University of
Salerno since 1985 (http://www.oltrearte.net/artmedia/
He is also founder and scientific director of the international multilingual review
"Epiphaneia" (http://www.spidernet.it/sisin/epiph.html
), dedicated
to aesthetic and technological research. Since the late 1960s he has published around 15
In 1990 he was awarded the "D. Fabbri" prize with "L'estetica dei
media" (Lecce, 1990). |
Among his publications:
- Sentimento del sublime e strategie del simbolico: il Vesuvio nella letteratura
francese, 1996, Edisud, Salerno.
- Schematismo: avanguardia e psicologia, 1995, Morra, Napoli.
- La televisione e le passioni, 1992, A. Guida, Napoli.
- Il sublime tecnologico, 1990, Edisud, Salerno.
- L'estetica dei media,1990, Capone, Lecce.
- Lettrismo, 1987, Morra, Napoli.
- Incontrarsi tardi, 1983, Pentarco, Torino.
- Immagini, la follia e il resto. Il dominio dell'immagine nella società contemporanea,
1982, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, Napoli.