Stefano Cerri
Born in Parma in 1947, Stefano Cerri graduated in Physics from the
University of Pisa in 1971. Specialising in programming languages, he is Professor of
Information Technology at the Department of Information Science (DSI) at the
"Università degli Studi" of Milan, where he is responsible for the Functional
Programming Laboratory. He has also taught in Pisa, Amsterdam and Brussels.
He is primarily interested in functional languages and the application of Artificial
Intelligence, in particular "intelligent" systems for training and the
human/computer interface.
He is author of numerous publications in specialist journals and has participated in
many international conferences. He is a member if several commissions and working groups,
both academic and industrial and has been responsible for the control and evaluation of
research and industrial development projects.
In 1986 he was one of the founders of Dida*Lab, the research and development laboratory
of Dida*El S.r.l. and was its director from 1988 to 1992. The company, set up in 1983 with
private investment, is one of Italy's leading companies in the field of IT, the use of
telecommunications for education, and recently in multimedia. |


His publications in English include:
- Learning Computing: Understanding Objects by Understanding Variables and Function, 1996,
in "Objects Currents: The first Online Hypertext Journal on the Internet concerning
Object Oriented Programming" 1,1, http://www.sigs.com/objectcurrents

- Computational Mathematics Toolkit: architectures for modeling dialogues, 1995, Rapporto
interno n.144-95, Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze
- Introduction to Collaborative Dialogue, 1994, M.F.Verdejo and S.A. Cerri, Technologies
in Distance Learning. In: M.F.Verdejo and S.A. Cerri, Collaborative Dialogue Technologies
in Distance Learning. SpringerVerlag,Berlin: 1-7
- Learning Computing: Understanding Programs and Processes may imply Learning Any Concept,
1994, Rapporto interno n.125-94, Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di
Scienze dell'Informazione
- NOBILE : object-based user model acquisition for second language learning, 1992 S.A.
Cerri, E. Cheli, A. McIntyre. In:Swartz, M.L.; Yazdani,M. (eds) Intelligent Tutoring
Systems for Foreign Language Learning. The Bridge to International Communication, 171-190,
Springer Verlag, Berlin
- SRL: A Legal Reasoning System, 1992, C. Alchourron, S.A.Cerri, et al In: A.A.Martino,
(ed) Expert Systems inLaw, 29-51, North Holland, Amsterdam
- Learning Technology in the European Communities. Proceedings of the CECDELTA Conference
on Research and Development, 1992. S.A. Cerri, J. Whiting (eds) X - 752, Kluwer,
- Knowledge Communication Systems. 1991 S.A. Cerri, A. McIntyre. In: Proceedings of the
8ème Congres Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence Artificielle, AFCET,
AFIA-ARC-INRIA, Lyon Villeurbanne, France. Invited paper
- The Rather Intelligent Little LISPer, 1990, S.A. Cerri and M.T. Elsom-Cook. Intelligent
Tutoring Media, 1, 17-22; Learned Information, Oxford