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Antonio Caronia

Antonio Caronia


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Antonio Caronia Antonio Caronia (, born in Genoa in 1944, is one of the most original Italian scholars outside the academic world of the social and cultural impact of new technologies.

A scholar of science, technology, literature and communication, he works as a translator and populariser of foreign novels and texts.

He is interested in how new information and communication technologies are used in art.
He contributes to various reviews. He is an editorialist on the monthly "Virtual", a contributor to "Virus" and, with Daniela Brolli, editor of "Aphaville".


  • Houdini e Faust: breve storia del cyberpunk (con Gallo D.), Boldini e Castoldi, Milano.
  • Il corpo virtuale: dal corpo robotizzato al corpo disseminato nelle reti, 1997, Muzzio, Padova.
  • Cyberpunk: istruzioni per l'uso, 1995, Stampe Alternative, Viterbo.
  • Cyborg ,1991, Theoria, Roma.
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