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Antonello Busetto

Antonello Busetto



A member of the technical secretariat of the Ministry of Industry, Antonello Busetto follows and co-ordinates the definition of industrial policy: chemical, fashion (textiles, clothing, footwear), information technology and telecommunications, e-commerce, energy infrastructure and telecommunications.

Born in Rome in 1951, Busetto graduated in mechanical engineering from "La Sapienza" University in Rome where he began his career in Machine Projects. He was subsequently a designer of industrial robots for Techniconsult S.p.A. and head of the works and race office of Sicapi Italiana S.p.A. In 1985 he joined the research office of the thermal reactor department of ENEA, and was Head of Strategic Planning of the Alternative Sources and energy Saving Department and member of Nuclear management of the National Energy Plan. In 1989 he was nominated an expert advisor to the Technical Secretariat of the general Direction of the Energy Resources and Base Industries of the Ministry of Industry and in 1994 joined the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry. He represents the ministry at national and international committees and organisations and is a member of Commissions and Working Groups of the European Commission and the G8. He has been president of FTI-Ediforum Italia since 1988.

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Among the positions he has held: 
  • member of the board of the Osservatorio Permanente per il Commercio Elettronico at the Ministry of Industry and co-ordinator of the Expert Committee; 
  • national co-ordinator of the G7 project "A Global Marketplace for SMEs"; 
  • representative of the Ministry of Industry in the Working Groups for energy and telecommunications infrastructure at the Ministry of Public Works;
  • representative of the Ministry of Industry on technical support groups of the Council of Ministers for the Information Society; 
  • member of the Year 2000 Committee for the Prime Ministers Office and head of the Executive Committee of the energy sector and production system; 
  • President of the Jury of the "Premio per il Commercio Elettronico Italiano Istituito" of the Ministry of Industry, SMAU, ANIE, ANEE, ENEA with the participation of the Boston Consulting Group, CISCO Systems, Gruppo PRO, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Poste Italiane, Sole 24 Ore, SSB, Sun Microsystems, Telecom Italia, Unisource Italia;
  • representative of the Ministry of Industry on the National Energy and Environment Conference in the sectors of production, transport, and energy-environment project financing. 
  • As advisor to the Ministry, he is actively involved in operational and strategic decision-making and maintains relations with institutions, industry and the media.
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