Father Busa of the Gregorian University of Rome has been one of the
pioneers of the use of information technology for the analysis of the
text, lexicography and bibliographical research, in particular in the
creation of the "Index Tomisticus: sancti Thomae Aquinatis operum
omnium indices et concordantiae". His monumental work of
indexation of the Index Thomisticus of St. Augustine began when,
writing a thesis on the saint, he became aware of the need for a
complete index. The index, begun in the 1950s, is available on CD-Rom,
and is today one of the most useful tools available for anyone
studying St. Augustine.
Thanks to the work he started, lexicography and textual hermeneutics
have received a decisive contribution from linguistic information
In 1992 Padre Busa founded the Scuola di Lessicografia ed
Ermeneutica [],
within the Philosophy Faculty of the Gregorian University of Rome.
The school promotes research in the fields of hermeneutics and
lexicology, both through the examination of the lexicographical method,
and through systematic reflection on the generative ontology of
language, as well as the study of the Christian intellectual
vocabulary, particularly that of mediaeval Latin (the Lemmata
Christianorum) and that of Thomas Aquinas, contributing to the
creation of the Lexicon Thomisticum. It is characterised by its
Thomisitic field of research and by its use of computer technology in
its methodology. |