Luca Briasco


Luca Briasco was born in Rome 23 February
1964. He graduated in Anglo-American literature in 1988 with a thesis on Moby-Dick by
Herman Melville. After graduating he continued studying Melville, publishing his essay
"La ricerca di Ishmael" in 1993. That same year he became a research assistant
in American Studies at the Terza Università of Rome and contributed to the first volume
of a project on the history of American literature, with essays on colonial history and
literary and para-literary production in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1994 he was a
Fullbright Scholar at Harvard University and a guest of the State University of New York
at Buffalo, where he held a conference on Herman Melville and American studies in Italy.
In 1996 he was awarded a PhD with a thesis on the relationship between the post-modern
American novel and history, with an analysis of philosophical-literary theory in the last
decade (from deconstructionism to neo-historicism) and the novels of Pynchon, Coover and
DeLillo. During his doctorate he also contributed to various books, with essays on
Vladimir Nabokov, Paul Auster and Cormac McCarthy.
In early 1998 he participated in the convention "Sulle tracce di Thomas
Pynchon" (On the trail of Thomas Pynchon), which was held at the Centre of American
Studies in Rome, with a contribution "Pynchon nostro postcontemporaneo" (Pynchon
our post-contemporary), later published in the quarterly review "Praz!"
He continues to work on the contemporary American novel and has begun to work with a
number of publishers (Einaudi, Fanucci) with the aim of publishing some of the best of new
writers on the new American literary scene. He is writing a monograph on Hemingway, which
will be published in 1999 by Nuova Italia Scientifica.
In 1993 he published several short stories in the underground review "Per
Terra" (subsequently republished in Costa & Nolan's volume Culture di conflitto,
in 1996). |
Among his publications:
- Paul Auster e Cormac McCarthy, in Ricciardi, Caterina (a cura di),
"Letteratura americana: i contemporanei, Semar, Roma", di prossima
- Interpretazione e rappresentazione della storia nel romanzo postmoderno americano,
1996, Tesi di dottorato, Roma.
- Le metamorfosi dell'arte in Pale Fire di Vladimir Nabokov, in Lombardo, Agostino
(a cura di), "La figlia che piange: saggi su poesia e metapoesia", 1995,
Bulzoni, Roma.
- Introduzione storica, Cotton Mather e Jonathan Edwards, in Cabibbo,
Paola (a cura di), "La letteratura americana dell'età coloniale", 1994, La
Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma.
- La ricerca di Ishmael: "Moby-Dick" come avventura dell'interpretazione,
1993, Bulzoni, Roma.