Marco Bozzetti
Marco Bozzetti (marco.bozzetti@tin.it),
founding partner of the FTI (Forum delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione)
and President of Sicurforum-Italia, is an electronic engineer who has
been working in the field of information and communication technology
for around twenty years. He has worked and carried out research for
several major Italian and foreign companies: he collaborated with the
research group CREI, (Centro rete Europea di Informatica) of Milan and
with the research and development laboratory of Olivetti in Ivrea. In
Italtel he was head of the Network Data department of the R&D
laboratory and the Strategic Planning Service of Italtel Telematica.
He has worked with international bodies on standardisation and taken
part in national research initiatives with several university bodies.
He was the head of the Telecommunications and Office Automation Group
for Arthur Andersen. He has been a partner and director of consulting
companies in Gruppo Ibimaint and Consulenti Associati, as well as in
Met. Since July 1995 he has been head of information technology and
telecommunications development for the ENI group. He was one of the
initiators of the European IT Observatory with SMAU, directing
state-of-the-art technology. He has published over 70 articles and
several book on information and communication technology.

