Remo Bodei
Remo Bodei was born in Cagliari 3 August 1938. After
graduating from the University of Pisa and an advanced diploma, he
obtained a scholarship to the University of Tubinga and Frieburg, where
he studied under Ernst Bloch and Eugen Fink, and for the University of
Heidelber, where he followed courses by Karl Loewith and Dieter Henrich.
From 1969 he taught the history of philosophy in the Scuola Normale
Superiore and, from 1971, at the University of Pisa. After winning a
Humboldt scholarship from the Rhur-Universitaet of Bochun (1977-1979),
he became Visiting Professor at King's College Cambridge (1980) and then
at Ottawa University (1983). He has taught for various periods at New
York University and, recently, at he University of California in Los
Angeles (1992). He currently holds the chair in the history of
philosophy at the University of Pisa and also teaches at the Pisa Scuola
Normale Superiore. |
As well as over 220 articles (on Pirandello, Gramsci, Weber,
Foucault, etc.), and translations and editions of texts (of Hegel,
Rosenkranz, Bloch, Rosenzweig, Adorno, Kracauer, Todorov, Blumemberg),
Remo Bodei has published the following volumes:
- Sistema ed epoca in Hegel, Bologna , 1975;
- Hegel e Weber. Egemonia e legittimazione, Bari, 1977 (con
F. Cassano);
- Multiversum. Tempo e storia in Ernst Bloch, Napoli 1979,
1983 (nuova edizione);
- Scomposizioni. Forme dell'individuo moderno, Torino,
- Hoederlin: la filosofia y lo tragico, Madrid, 1990;
- Ordo amoris. Conflitti terreni e felicità celeste,
Bologna 1991;
- Geometria delle passioni. Paura, speranza e felicità:
filosofia e uso politico, Milano, 1991.