Peter Bishop
Peter Bishop (bishop@cl.uh.edu)
grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. He received a BA in philosophy from St. Louis University
where he studied mathematics and physics. He received his doctoral degree in sociology
from Michigan State University in 1974.
Dr. Bishop first taught in 1973 at Georgia Southern College, where he specialised in
social problems and political sociology. He is currently Associate Professor of the
Humanities at the University of Houston-Clear Lake, where he began working in 1976
teaching research methods and statistics. He chairs and teaches courses in the graduate
program in Studies of the Future. He also
facilitates groups in developing scenarios, visions and strategic plans for the future. He
was President of the programme from 1983 to 1996. From 1990 to 1996 he was also the
Executive Director of the Institute for Futures Research and from 1985 to
1992 founding member of the University's Research Institute for Computing and
Information Sciences.
He has participated in numerous specialised conferences and public debates and conducts
corporate seminars on futures topics for business, government organisations and
non-governmental organisations. Dr. Bishop facilitates strategic planning, scenario
development and visioning workshops for clients such as IBM, Caltex Petroleum, Toyota
Motor Sales, Shell Pipeline Corporation, Defense Intelligence Agency, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, W.K.Kellogg Foundation, Texas Department of Commerce, City of Las
Cruces NM and the Canadian Radio and Television Commission.
Dr. Bishop has worked for the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) where he designed the
database interface now being used by hundreds of JSC administrators. |