Luigi Berlinguer
Luigi Berlinguer was born in Sassari, 25 July 1932. He graduated in law from the
University of Sassari and began his academic career as an assistant lecturer and then as
Professor of "Exegesis of the Origins of Italian Law" (1968-1969). In 1963 he
became a Member of Parliament and a member of the National Direction of the Italian
Communist Party. From 1962 to 1966 he was also Mayor of Sennori (SS).
From 1968 to 1973 he was a member of the Administrative Council of Monte dei Paschi of
Sienna and, from 1969 to 1970, Professor of the History of Political Institutions in the
Faculty of Law in Sienna.
From November 1970 he taught in the Faculty of Jurisprudence in Sassari and, in 1972,
became Professor of the History of Political Institutions in the same faculty.
In 1973 he moved to Sienna where he was appointed to the chair of "Exegesis of the
Origins of Italian Law" and nominated President of the Commission of Ateneo. Between
1975 to 1985 he served several times as a local councillor in Sardinia and as a regional
councillor in Tuscany.
From 1984 to 1987 he was director of the Department of Political Science and History of
Italian Law at the University of Sienna.
From 1985 to 1994 he was rector of the University of Sienna. During that period he was
also Secretary General of the Permanent Conference of Rectors.
In 1986 he was appointed Minister of Education and a member of the Ministerial
Commission for University Development. During the same year he was awarded the title
"Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic".
During this time he was also co-ordinator of the study group of the CNR (Italian
Science Foundation), publisher of the newspaper Democrazia e Legge, member of the
Italian History of Law Society and the Italian Historians Society and member of the
"Accademia degli Intronati" of Sienna.
In 1988 the Department of Public Functions appointed him to evaluate training proposals
and the reorganisation of the College of Public Administration. That year he also became a
member of the Technical and Scientific Committee, an organisation created by Presidential
decree to promote co-operation between the Public Administration, colleges of higher
education, universities and public bodies.
In 1990 he was elected President of CONICS (Inter-university Consortium for
Co-operation and Development), a member of the National Science and Technology committee
and a member of the Ministerial Commission for the evaluation of Scientific and
Technological Parks. |