Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Glauco Benigni

Glauco Benigni



Glauco Benigni was born in 1950 and graduated in sociology in 1976. A journalist since 1981, he is International Media Editor of "La Repubblica". He works for several television channels and publications, both in Italy and abroad, writing on home video, satellite television and multimedia. He is a member of the International Press Committee of the Monte Carlo Television Festival.

Author of books and essays on the language and economics of the media, among his published works are: "Do you speak Televisionese" (1985) "Re Media", (1989), "Costa contatto" (1996). He acts as a consultant to several major media companies, including Eutelsat, RAI, Fininvest, Sipra and Sacis.

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Benigni is the founder of the publishing house "McLuhan & Co." which publishers newsletters via fax and lectures in Global Communications at the European School of Economics in Rome. back to the top