Born in Monterotondo Marittimo (Grosseto), 24 January 1939, when he
was very young his family moved to Sienna, where he completed his
studies. While still at school he was already contributing to
newspapers and magazines, specialising in cinema criticism and
contributing to the organisation of highly appreciated film cycles for
young people. He continued his studies at the Literature and
Philosophy Faculty of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, concerning
himself in particular with modern and contemporary Italian literature
and contemporary political history. He belongs to the Tartuca contrada
of Siena.
He joined the Italian Socialist Party in 1956, and was a member of
the national executive of the Young Socialist Federation and the
party's national schools commission. In June 1967 he was elected for
the PSIUP (Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity) to the Sienna
Council and in 1969 became Deputy Major, with responsibility for the
police force.
In November of the same year, at 30 years old, he was elected mayor
of the city of Sienna, a position he held until February 1974. He was
later Deputy Major, with responsibility for education, Culture,
Tourism and Sport.
Elected for the Communist Party, he became regional councillor,
with responsibility for General Affairs, Personnel and the
decentralisation of the region of Tuscany from 1975 to 1979. From 1979
to 1984 he was again Deputy Major of Sienna, with responsibility for
urban planning. In his political positions in Sienna and Tuscany he
has been primarily concerned with issues of urban planning, political
cultural and social services, as well as the promoting high-level
relationships for Sienna and Tuscany.
He has also been a member of the CRPET (the Tuscan regional
committee for economic planning, the administrative council of IRPET (Tuscan
regional institute for economic planning), the regional directorate of
ANCI (National Association of Italian Councils), the administrative
council of the Università degli studi in Siena and, the
administrative council of the Accademia musicale Chigiana, the
Accademia degli Intronati and the Azienda Autonoma di Turismo.
He has also been secretary of the Sienna section of Italia Nostra
and a partner in the INU (National Urban Planning Institute).
In June 1984, candidate for the Communist Party in a constituency
in Central Italy, he was elected deputy to the European Parliament. He
was re-elected in 1989 and 1994 his third mandate ending in June 1999.
During his parliamentary career he has been Vice President of the
European Parliament and President of the Culture Commission. He is
currently a member of the Culture Commission and the Legal Commission,
where he is co-ordinator of the Socialist group.
Using his previous experience as well as a personal vocation,
during his years in the European Parliament he has been largely
concerned with cultural policy, the harmonisation of laws regarding
television and the information society, audiovisual production, and
author's rights. "I confini del visibile" (The Borders of
the visible) is the title of his latest book, which brings together
the results of his work in this field, alongside essays and speeches.
He has worked on cinema productions and television programmes.
Alongside his political and institutional work, he has also maintained
a busy schedule of teaching, research and journalism. He has taught
the history of Italian literature at the University of Italian
Language and Culture for Foreigners, where he continues to hold
courses and seminars.
His many contributions to reviews and magazines in the past
include: "Il Ponte", "L'Astrolabio",
"Problemi del Socialismo", "Politica e Società",
"Critica Storica", Studi Storici", "Bullettino
Senese di Storia Patria", "La Nazione", "Il
Giornale del mattino", "Il Nuovo Corriere Senese". And
he currently contributes to: "L'Unità", "Diario della
Settimana" and "Gulliver". In 1967 he edited the
national magazine "Test". His studies, conferences,
historical and literary essays on personalities such as Caterina
Benincasa, Federigo Tozzi, Cesare Brandi, Mino Maccari, Ranuccio
Bianchi Bandinelli, Giuseppe Bettalli, Eugenio Montale, Luigi
Piccinato and Romano Bilenchi, have been accompanied by speeches,
essays and articles, as well as a modern analysis of the historical
tradition of the Palio di Siena in all its complexity, and an
examination of the problems related to the safeguarding of the
architectural heritage of Tuscany. |