Digital library (biography) RAI Educational
Nanni Balestrini

Nanni Balestrini



Nanni Balestrini ( was born in Milan in 1935. A renowned Italian poet and novelist, he began his career in the 1960s when he joined the "novissimi" poets and the "gruppo '63", which included the most well-known neo-avant-garde writers of the time. In 1961 he composed his first poem written on a computer. He has always demonstrated a keen interest in Italian political and social affairs. He is the author of the poetry cycle La Signorina Richmond and of several novels on the "'68" student political movement and the "anni di piombo", the years of political unrest which followed. He has recently begun working in figurative art, thereby expanding his forms of creative expression. His works have been exhibited in many galleries in Italy and abroad and, in 1993, at the Venice Biennale. He has been one of the forces behind the creation of reviews such as "Il Verri", "I Quindici", "L'Analfabeta" and "La Bestia".

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  • L'orda d'oro 1968-1977: la grande ondata rivoluzionaria e creativa, politica ed esistenziale, con Primo Moroni, 1997, Feltrinelli, Milano.
  • Una mattina ci siamo svegliati, 1995, Baldini e Castoldi, Milano.
  • I furiosi, 1994, Bompiani, Milano.
  • L'invenzione della realtà, 1994, A. Guida, Napoli.
  • Estremi rimedi, 1991, Manni, Lecce.
  • Gli invisibili, 1990, Bompiani, Milano.
  • L'editore, 1989, Bompiani, Milano.
  • Blackaout, Feltrinelli, 1980, Milano.
  • La violenza illustrata, Einaudi, 1976, Torino.
  • Vogliamo tutto, Feltrinelli, 1971, Milano.
  • Tristano, Feltrinelli, 1966, Milano


  • Il pubblico del labirinto: quarto libro della signorina Richmond 1985-1989, 1992, Libri Scheiwiller, Milano.
  • Osservazioni sul volo degli uccelli: poesie 1954-1956, 1988, Libri Scheiwiller, Milano.
  • Il ritorno della signorina Richmond (1987).
  • La signorina Richmond se ne va (inedito) 1983.
  • La ballata della signorina Richmond (1977).
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