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Sebastiano Bagnara

Sebastiano Bagnara



After graduating in philosophy from the University of Padova (, Sebastiano Bagnara ( specialised in psychology at the same university.
He has been Professor of Psychology and lectured in man-machine interaction at the University of Sienna since 1986, and since 1992 he has also been head of the university's science of communication course and director of the multimedia communication course. He taught ergonomics at the University of Padova from 1989 to 1993 and applied ergonomics and industrial design at the Milan Polytechnic from 1994 to 1998. He has been a director of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) (1980-86), member of the executive of the Italian Ergonomics Society (EACE) (1990-1994), and President of the Italian Ergonomics Society (1994-97). He was also a member of the Planning Committee of the CNR Project "Prevention and control of the factors of disease" (1992-97) and Director of the Psychology Institute of the CNR (National Research Council) (1995-98). He has been a consultant for many years, working for ENEA, Elsag, Enel, IBM Semea, Ilva, Ina-Assitalia, IRI Management, Montell, MPI, Olivetti, Omnitel, Sogei, Technimont, Telecom, and Wind, among others. He was a consultant/evaluator for the European Union's 'ESPRIT' and 'Environment' programmes and has participated, also as a scientific director, in numerous European projects, including: Step Heat; Comett-Palio; Esprit-Multed, QLis, Qualit, Mirti; Tempus-Pannonia; Socrates-Humanities, Pegasus. His current research interests are in the man-machine and man-man interface through networks; sociotechnical systems and cognitive processes; human reliability and error; the planning and evaluation of client-oriented systems (call centres); the planning and evaluation of the usability of cognitive and multimedia artefacts. Sebastiano Bagnara is Vice-president of Butera e Partners . He is a member of numerous Italian and international scientific societies, including the International Neuropsychology Society, the Italian Neurology society/Neuropsychology division, the Human Factors Society of the USA, the International Federation for Automatic Control (IFAC), the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), the Italian Ergonomics Society, the Italian Scientific Psychology Society and the Italian Public Communication Society.
He is also a member of the editorial committee of the reviews Applied Ergonomics, Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, Cognition, Technology, and Work, Comunicazione Pubblica, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, International Journal of Applied Psychology, Sistemi Intelligenti, Travail Humain, and Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics.

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He has published around 200 hundred articles in Italian and international reviews. Among his most recent publications:

  • Bagnara S., Benyon D., Oppermann R., van Nes F. (Eds.) (1996) Usage of modern technology by experts and non-professionals. Acta Psychologica, Special Issue, 91, 217-358
  • Bagnara, S., Stortone, C., Fontana, A., Micheli, S., Nicoletti, R. (1996) Participative work design: a case study. A. F. Ozok (Ed.), Advances in Applied Ergonomics. West Lafayette: USA Publishing, 1996, pp. 195-198.
  • Parlangeli O., Bagnara S. (1996) L'apprendimento implicito nel controllo di sistemi complessi: la dipendenza della prestazione dalle conoscenze utilizzate. Convegno A.I.P., Capri, 30.9-2.10.
  • Rizzo A., Parlangeli O., Marchigiani E. and Bagnara S. (1996). The management of human errors in user-centered design. SIGCHI, 12, 312-320.
  • Rizzo A., Parlangeli O., Marchigiani E. and Bagnara S. (1996).Guidelines for managing human error. SIGCHI Bulletin, 12, 312-320.
  • Stortone, C., Bagnara, S., Fontana, A., Micheli, S., Nicoletti, R. (1996) Strategies in maintenance and accidents. R. J. Koubek & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Manufacturing Agility and Hybrid Automation. Louisville, Kentucky: IEA Press, 1996, pp. 508-511.
  • Bagnara, S. Broadbent, S. (1997) Percorsi per una cultura della rete. Industria e Sindacato, 39, n. 11, 26-30.
  • Bagnara, S. e Failla, A. (a cura di) (1997) Compagno di Banco. Milano: EtasLibri.
  • Bagnara, S. Hollnagel, H., Mariani, M., Norros, L. (Eds.) (1997)Time and space in process contral. Roma: IP/CNR.
  • Bagnara S., Marchigiani E., Parlangeli 0. (1997). Co-operative work in distance educational environment. IEA '97, 13th Triennal Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. June 29 - July 4, 1997, Tampere, Finland. pp. 22-24.
  • Bracci M., Parlangeli O., Bagnara S. (1997) Difficoltà di apprendimento e difficoltà di insegnamento: lo sviluppo di un'interfaccia multimediale. In M. La Rosa (a cura di), Governo delle tecnologie, efficienza e creatività. Il contributo dell'ergonomia. Bologna, Monduzzi, pp 59-63.
  • Marchigiani, E. Rizzo, A., Bagnara S. (1997) Progettazione e valutazione di un servizio telematico per disabili. In M. La Rosa (a cura di), Governo delle tecnologie, efficienza e creativita. Il contributo dell'ergonomia. Bologna: Monduzzi, pp. 59-63
  • Mariani M., Parlangeli O., Bagnara S. (1997). The Quality of Working Life Assessment. In G. Salvendy, M.J. Smith, & R.J. Koubek (Eds.), Design of Computing Systems: Cognitive Considerations. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 213-216.
  • Marti P., Rizzo A., Bagnara S., Lomagistro, P. Tanzini L. (1997). From System Evaluation to Service Redesign: A Case Study. In G. Salvendy, M.J. Smith, & R.J. Koubek (Eds.), Design of Computing Systems: Cognitive Considerations. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 779-782.
  • Parlangeli O., Marchigiani E., Bagnara S. (1997) Strumenti multimediali per la formazione: incidenza del livello di usabilità dei sistemi di apprendimento. Convegno A.I.P., Capri 22-24.9.
  • Rizzo A., Bagnara S. (1997) HCI curricula for designing cognitive artifacts. Schaerding: Ifip-TeaDIS.
  • Rizzo A., Mariani M., Zenie A., Bagnara S. (1997). Designing the information Cooperative for Harmonizing, Coordinating, and Promoting Earth Observation Business Process. In G. Salvendy, M.J. Smith, & R.J. Koubek (Eds.), Design of Computing Systems: Cognitive Considerations . Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 741-744.
  • Tartaglia R., Baldasseroni A., Iannattone M., Carnevale F., Taddei S., Bagnara S. Crepet P. (1977) La prevenzione dello stress e del burn-out. Salute e territorio, 18, 102, 82-87.
  • Allansdottir A., Pammolli F., Bagnara S. (1998) Italy. In J. Durant, M. W. Bowers, J. Gaskell (Eds.) Biotechnology and public fear: A European Sourcebook. London: Science Museum.
  • Bagnara S. (1998) Scuola e computer: nuovo dialogo. Iter, 1, 2, 31-38.
  • Bagnara S., Butera F., Failla A. (1998) Scuole con il computer. Milano: Etaslibri.
  • Bagnara S., Di Nucci P., Pasquini A., Rizzo A. (1998) Progressive strategies for introducing human factors in safety critical systems. In W. Karwowski, R. Goonetilleke (Eds.) Manufacturing agility and hybrid automation. Louisville: IEA.
  • Bagnara S., Mariani M. (1998) Ergonomia e qualità dei servizi. In Cispel, Guida ai processi di qualità nelle imprese dei servizi pubblici. Milano: Hoepli.
  • Bagnara S., Mariani M., Parlangeli O. (1998) Scienze cognitive e sociotenica. Studi Organizzativi, 1, 103-120.
  • Bagnara S. (in corso di stampa) Ambiente di formazione, identità culturale e professioni della comunicazione. Problemi dell'informazione,
  • Bagnara S., Broadbent. S. (in corso di stampa) Le culture della rete. Studi Organizzativi.
  • Bagnara S., Marchigiani E., Parlangeli O. (in corso di stampa) Strumenti multimediali per la formazione e processi di apprendimento: usabilità e cooperazione.
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