Giulio Andreotti
Born in Rome 14 January 1919, Senator Andreotti graduated in law in 1941, and later
specialised in canon law. He began working as a journalist while still very young. He
began to make a name for himself in the Italian Catholic University Federation (FUCI),
where he was assistant to Mons. Montini, later Pope Paul VI, and where Aldo Moro appointed
him director of Azione Fucina. When Moro gave up the presidency of FUCI,
Andreotti succeeded him at the wish of Pious XII. He was then involved in the founding of
the Christian Democrat party, alongside Alcide De Gasperi and Guido Gonella.
After the liberation of Rome, he became national delegate of the youth group of the
Christian Democrat party and, in 1945, was part of the National Council. Deputy in the
Constituent Assembly in 1946, he was re-elected to the House of Deputies in all subsequent
elections for the Roma-Latina-Viterbo-Frosinone constituency, being re-elected for the
twelfth time in 1987.
He has also been twice elected to the European Parliament for Central and North-East
Italy. The 1st June 1991 the President of the Republic, Francesco Cossiga, nominated him
Senator for Life.
He was Under-secretary of State to the Prime Ministers Office in the fourth to the
eighth De Gasperi government between 1947 and 1953, a post he maintained under the
subsequent Pella government, until January 1954.
He subsequently held many government posts: Interior, Finance, Treasury, Defence,
Industry, Budget and Foreign Affairs.
He was Prime Minister from February 1972 to June 1973, from July 1976 to June 1979 and
from 1989 to 1992.
President of the Christian Democrat deputies from December 1968 to February 1972, he was
president of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the House of Deputies throughout the eighth
He has received the Laurea Honoris Causa from the Sorbonne in Paris, from Loyola
University of Chicago, the Copernicus University of Torun (Poland), Notre Dame University
of South Bend (Indiana), La Plata University (Argentina), Salamanca University (Spain),
Saint Johns University in New York, Warsaw University, the Science and Technology
University of Beijing, Clemente dOcrida University in Sofia, the Catholic University
of America (Washington D.C.), New York University, the Jewish Theological Seminary (New
York), Beijing University and Toronto University.
Andreotti is also author of numerous books. A professional journalist, he founded and
edited the political review Concretezze (from 1955 to 1976). He is currently a
member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Commission, editor of the monthly review Trenta
Giorni and president of Ciceroniani Study Centre and the Casa di Dante in Rome. |


- Concerto a sei voci, 1946.
- Pranzo di magro per il Cardinale, 1954.
- De Gasperi e il suo tempo, 1965.
- La sciarada di Papa Mastai, 1967.
- I minibigami, 1971.
- Ore 13: Il Ministero deve morire, 1975.
- A ogni morte di Papa, 1980.
- Diari 1976-1979, 1981.
- Visti da vicino, 1982.
- Visti da vicino, seconda serie, 1983.
- Visti da vicino, terza serie, 1986.
- De Gaspari, visto da vicino, 1986.
- Onorevole stia zitto, 1987.
- LURSS vista da vicino, 1988.
- Gli USA visti da vicino, 1989.
- Il potere logora
ma è meglio non perderlo, 1990.
- Governare con la crisi, dal 1944 ad oggi, 1991.
- Onorevole stia zitto, Atto secondo, 1992.
- Il Ministero delluomo in grigio, 1993.
- Cosa loro, 1995.
- De prima re publica, 1996.
- Operazione via Appia, 1998.
- A non domanda rispondo, 1999.