Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner is professor of education at Harvard and codirector of Harvard Project
Zero, a basic research group that focuses on the nature of human symbolic activity. His
principal research interests are the development and breakdown of symbolizing capacities,
the varieties of human intelligences, the development of artistry in children, the
development of alternative means of assessing learning, ways to educate for understanding,
the nature and nurture of creativity, and the fostering of human creativity. For 20years
he served as research psychologist at the Aphasia Research Center of the Boston Veterans
Administration Hospital.
Widely published, he is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. He and his
colleagues at Project Zero have recently studied the implications of the theory of
multiple intelligences for teaching and learning. Gardner's vision of human abilities
suggests new possibilities for dveloping each student;s potential. In 1990 he became the
first American to receive the prestigious University of Louisville Grawemayer Award in
Education. |